River Deveron Lower Inverichnie
Lower Inverichnie is a small three rod beat consisting of three named pools. Although small it can yield fish good numbers of fish and for its size can do as well as other much larger beats.
Lower Inverchnie is the lower half of the Inverchnie beat (which is the next River Deveron beat downstream from Eden) running from Upper Inverchnie and down to Montcoffer. It is a double banked stretch of river running approx. 365 metres and is single banked for an additional 90 metres. It is made up of three pools: The Avenue, The Grey Mare and The Grey Mares Tail. This stretch of river Deveron is better known for fishing in lower water.
Again, the fishing is extremely accessible with easy wading. The banks are all maintained and mown throughout the season making enjoyable walking from pool to pool and, again, benches are strategically placed. Lower Inverchnie has a comfortable fishing hut on its banks, ideal for making a cup of tea or coffee. This beat and Eden rent very well together.
The fishing is let by the week for most of the season – with arrival and departure on the day of rest – but day fishing tickets are also available in the early part of the season on both beats, giving a great days sport on Sea Trout and Brown Trout.